Super Sidera Votum

"My wishes are beyond the stars."
Acrylic on gessoed wood panel
November 2023
Accompanying track:

Looking to the stars, I wonder: What is the measure of a man?1 Is it the heat burning under one's skin after pushing past their body's limits? Is it the contented sigh upon putting the final touches on a project? The satisfied smile when seeing the result of one's work? A look back, with wisened-eyes, at a long journey traveled? Maybe, it's the earnest expression of oneself-- exclaiming to the universe: "I exist!" Every star was earned by accomplishing something meaningful. Every star was earned by striving to break free of the mundane. Every star was earned by someone Just. Like. You. What will you do to earn your star?2

1. Gender-neutral 'man.' 2. If you want to-- no pressure ☺️
